What areas does pack 536 serve?

Pack 536 serves the Canyon Park area of Bothell, WA. Our scouts typically come from Frank Love, Crystal Springs, Shelton View or Lockwood elementary schools. If you live in an area served by these schools, we are likely your pack!

Where/how often do you meet?

Pack meetings are typically held on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Lockwood Elementary Cafeteria. Den meetings are typically held earlier in the month and are hosted by a scout family within the den or at a local park. The den meetings are where most requirements are completed.

How much does scouting cost?

As of April 1, 2024, the cost of scouting is $170 per year. At time of registration, you can opt for Scout Life magazine for an additional $15. For more information, check out the Mount Baker Council’s Fee Page.

If the cost of scouting is a burden the council does offer an Opportunity Fund. Please read the “Do you offer financial assistance?” question below.

Are there fundraisers throughout the year?

Yes! Scouts can “earn-their-way” by selling Trail’s End popcorn. The fundraising period runs from September through October. Each scout is strongly encouraged to participate in popcorn sales whether in person or online. The money raised helps offset some of the costs the pack incurs throughout the year. Scouts also earn Amazon gift certificates. For more information and a few tips and tricks on how to sell popcorn visit the Mount Baker Council’s popcorn website!

Do you offer financial assistance?

Yes! If you need to apply for financial assistance, please complete the Opportunity Fund form here: https://www.mountbakerbsa.org/membership/opportunity-fund-membership-assistance/.

If you have questions about the Opportunity Fund process, please fill out the form on the CONTACT/JOIN page.

Can girls join?

Of course! All are welcome!

What’s the difference between a Class A and Class B uniform?

The Class A uniform is the formal button-down shirt in either blue (1st – 4th grades) or khaki (5th grade). The blue shirt holds all the rank patches and other emblems. The blue shirt is accompanied by rank appropriate hat and neckerchief. The AOL khaki shirt is left blank and is primarily meant to be the shirt scouts wear when they join a BSA Troop.

NOTE: if purchasing a shirt, please consider purchasing a size or two bigger as the shirt will last a few years.

Lions (kindergarten), wear a Lion logo t-shirt and have the option to wear a hat and neckerchief.

The Class B uniform is the custom blue T-shirt or sweatshirt with the Pack 536 logo. These are worn for activities that are physically active like hikes, community service projects, etc. Parents can also wear Class Bs to support and promote the pack. The cost of a Class B shirt ranges from $15-$30.

I want to help. How can I?

Volunteers are the backbone of the pack. The program simply can’t run without adults, most often parents, willing to help. For adult volunteers who register with the BSA, the cost of scouting is reimbursed.  

The following are just a few examples of ways to help:

  • Get registered with the BSA by completing Youth Protection Training.
  • Attend committee meetings
  • Assist with fundraisers by being a popcorn kernel
  • Assist in setup, execution, and cleanup at events like pack meetings, rain gutter regatta, or the pinewood derby
  • Help with recruiting efforts during school open houses and ice cream socials
  • Become a Den Leader
  • Ask!

​Return the Family Talent Survey to help us know where you can best help!

Is the pack on social media?

Yes! Our pack uses a private Facebook group. Once your invitation has been approved, you’ll be able to communicate to the pack, see pictures/videos from past events, and receive updates from Leadership.